Door Number One - free e-book: "In The Twinkling of an Eye" by Sydney Watson

"In The Twinkling of an Eye"
by Sydney Watson
Free & Complete Book In PDF
  In The Twinkling of an Eye
Copyright (Expired), 1921

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In The Twinkling of an Eye: Hear The Hymn
In The Twinkling of an Eye: Meaning/Origin


The east slowly reddened. Roofs and towers of houses and churches grew up slowly, and grey amid the cold light of the dawn. He turned to face the spot where he knew the great clock-tower of Westminster could be seen. A light burned high aloft in the tower, telling that England's legislators were still in session.

Slowly, thoughtfully, he turned back to walk home. "If Christ came at this instant," he mused, "how many of those Commoners and Peers would be ready to meet Him? And what of the teeming millions of this mighty city? God help us all ! What blind fools we are !"




Door Number One


"It's not easy to say something new about the end of the world

In The Twinkling of an Eye : In The Twinkling of an Eye : In The Twinkling of an Eye : In The Twinkling of an Eye :



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